Samuel Ready Scholarships – Annual Picnic

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On a beautiful September afternoon, more than 100 members of the Samuel Ready community gathered to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year. Scholars and their family members joined school administrators, members of the Samuel Ready Scholarships Board and generous donors for an afternoon of fellowship and inspiration. The picnic, hosted by the Bryn Mawr School, provided the scholars with an opportunity to meet and reconnect with one another. The girls and their guests also enjoyed an exciting game of community bingo, led by Samuel Ready Scholar alumnae Mercedez Evans and Deana Frank. The highlight of the event was the presentation made by Monica Brunson, a Samuel Ready Scholar graduate of the Bryn Mawr School. Her remarks about the impact and importance of the Samuel Ready Scholarship on her life captivated the audience. She encouraged the girls to look at themselves and recognize how special they are. She also encouraged the girls to get to know one another and tap into their resource of more than 300 Samuel Ready Scholars strong. It was a memorable day for all.