Give Online

Click Give Now to make a gift safely and securely, online.

Offline Giving

To make an offline gift toward this cause, write a check payable to "Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc." and mail your check to:

Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc.
P.O. Box 202
Riderwood, MD 21139-0202


A gift of marketable securities (bonds or stocks) is treated as an outright gift. If you have owned the securities for more than 12 months your gift is equal to the fair market value of the securities on the date you donate them to SRSI.  None of the appreciation is taxable to you as capital gain.

Planned Giving Options


Through your Will or Revocable Trust, you can make a gift to SRSI of a specific dollar amount, specific property and/or a percentage of your estate. Your estate will be entitled to a charitable deduction equal to 100% of the gift. You can plan a gift to SRSI that will not impact your access to your assets during your lifetime, but can help ensure Samuel Ready Scholarship's future.

Sample Bequest Language:

I give and bequeath to Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc., a Maryland not-for-profit corporation, [the sum of ______________________________ Dollars] [the following property:__________________] [____________% or all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate] to be used for its general purposes.

Retirement Assets

Designate Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. as the beneficiary of your IRA, 401K, Keogh, SEP or other qualified retirement plan. Since SRSI is exempt from income tax, retirement assets are an excellent funding source for a planned gift.

Gifts of Life Insurance

Designate Samuel Ready Scholarships, Inc. as the owner and beneficiary of a paid-up life insurance policy. Alternatively, name SRSI as the beneficiary of any life insurance policy. Many people have insurance policies they no longer "need," but the proceeds of which can be very valuable to SRSI.


Samuel Ready Scholarship's tax ID# is: 52-0591460